my first six pack

no, it isn’t my birthday. i’m still not legal to purchase alcohol. this is a six pack of a different kind. one that i’m sad to be bringing with me to college. one that i will not be sharing with friends, or bringing to tailgates. and one that will be less than pleasurable to choke down. this six pack you ask? ensure.

i had been toying with the idea of ensure for awhile. not because i need to gain weight. but because i do feel guilty when i skip meals. and i have been lately, though i know i’m not supposed to. so this morning while talking to a friend from the Ranch, i decided to do the responsible thing. the recovery thing. and into the grocery store i went, to find that ensure was on sale. well that sealed the deal and i left with a nice six pack of coffee ensure, as well as a four pack of vanilla. i hope i don’t have to dig in to them. but i am committing, right now, to whoever is reading this, and to my team (although they don’t know it) that whenever i can’t figure out what to eat, and procrastinate on a meal, and just can’t pull my act together, i’ll chug one. and hopefully that’ll encourage me to find something tastier for whatever meal is next to come. at least i started the day with a big SCREW YOU ED!

i got home from the store and made myself a nice tasty bowl of s’mores oatmeal. if you know me at all, you know that i’m obsessed with smores. always have been. always will be. and as much as i joke about them being one of my main food groups… there’s a bit of seriousness in there. i’m always looking for ways to fancy up my oats, so i was excited to try something new this morning. i think i underdid the chocolatey-ness, and next time i’ll for sure add more cocoa. though i really can’t complain, because i gobbled the whole thing up and then ran out the door for therapy, followed by a long time spent at the car dealership waiting for my oil change and tire rotation. who knew it took so long? it made me feel so grown up in a way, to have my own car and be taking it in for service, etc. things that real people have to do all the time.

there's oatmeal in there...promise

the afternoon post car service was spent…sitting on my butt. i packed a bit for my apartment, watched a lot of food network, and did some menu planning aka recipe hunting. i really am so excited to be moving into my apartment and being back in school and working. it’ll definitely be nice to make new friends in both places, and just be busy again. tomorrow’s my first day of actual work at whole foods! woo hoo! i’m so excited to have this job, i feel like such a nerd. but hey, i now get a 20% discount on ALL my purchases at ANY whole foods. admit it, you’re jealous. my manager desperately called me in, since the state is freaking out about hurricane irene. personally, i’m having a difficult time dreading it, since it was about 80 degrees out today, without a cloud in the sky. by the time it hits me here in boston, i’m sure i’ll survive. after a long afternoon of doing nothing of significance i had worked up quite an appetite. inspired by Amanda‘s tortilla pizzas that i’ve admired for awhile, i decided to try it out, so i made myself a lovely little mexi-pizza with buffalo LightLife chicken. mmm mm good!

my parents are up at our beach house for the night so it’s just me and grandma here. i don’t have anything exciting to say, but as i’ve been blog stalking throughout the day i noticed a lot of people doing “five things friday” or something of the like. so i’m gonna do my own spin on it, and make a list of five things i love most about fall, as it’s approaching ridiculously fast! where did summer go?!

1. FOLIAGE. i’m a new englander by birth. we do foliage, and we do it big.

look! there's a heart! found that naturally!

2. back to school! yes. i am a nerd. and so proud of it.

Vandy ❤ even though i'll be at BC...

3. my Uggs 🙂 i have a small obsession with uggs, and don’t like to wear them in the snow because they get all nasty. so the fall is prime Ugg season for me

4. caramel apples

5. pumpkin. everyyyythingggg!

what do you love most about fall?