monday goals- week 2

wow the past week seems to have flown by! it’s amazing how quickly time passes when you’re being social, working, and constantly lost in a book. mostly the last one i think 😉

anyway, here’s my review of last week’s goals, and some updates on the bigger ones that have been going well:

  • do laundry – DONE
  • update bucket list – no, unfortunately
  • finish my current book- yup!

i have also been working on my body acceptance goal, and just started reading a book called “Weight Wisdom,” which a wonderful friend sent me, that’s actually surprisingly good. i’m not a huge fan of recovery books generally, but i’m liking this one a lot!

so this week’s goals:

  • journal everyday
  • buy comforter for apartment (i’m leaning towards a lovely patchwork lilly pulitzer one)
  • apartment hunt with one of my roomies to be
  • read!
  • spend some time outdoors
  • try to run at least 3 days
  • set up an appointment with my nutritionist (who i’ve been avoiding…)

not too much on the agenda this week, so i think it’ll be good for some quality rachel time (and goal reaching!). i’m feeling really refreshed after this past weekend, ready to keep challenging myself and feeling better and better with each passing day. in only three weeks i’ll be in europe, and i want it to be absolutely incredible! and two weeks from now i’ll be down on martha’s vineyard, which will also be fun. i’m slowly starting to realize that the good thing about being healthy is really everything, that this body is better than i give it credit for being, that things tend to work out more often than not.

slowly, i’m becoming more optimistic again, i’m looking forward to the fall, but i am staying in the moment. i am becoming reassured that things really will be okay.

also in this week’s to do- my two new journals!

what are your goals for this week?