live more, blog more

i’m determined to get back on track with my blogging, but also to do it on a wider scope. i write so much as it is, why not connect with the blogosphere yet again. plus, it’s something i keep coming back to, even if i slack, i think with more concentrated effort i can get back on track. i really want to look into different networks and see what there is for me in the blog world, and i’d appreciate any and all suggestions on how to best do that! it made me so happy when i was really involved with my food blogging, doing WIAW and foodie penpals and such. it doesn’t take that much time to write a post, and i know i always feel good when i do, so i’m determined to devote part of my day to writing and reading blogs!

classes begin in one week, and there are quite a few things i hope to do in that time. my room desperately needs a cleaning, and i think my apartment could use some tidying up as well. decluttering is so uplifting and recharging, which is something i’m trying to focus on this january. i have so many things and i think they end up making me feel more overwhelmed and guilty than anything else. while i love my christmas goodies, i have closets brimming with clothes i don’t wear. drawers overflowing with memorabilia and journals and pictures. it’s time to organize and let go, to put things into some kind of accessible arrangement. i know i feel better when things are clean, it’s just a matter of putting in the effort!

my church is doing a bunch of “january jolt” classes, and i think that’s a great idea for this month as a whole. so many people set out with resolutions, and we all want that “jolt” for the start of the year. i want to take that literally, in trying to boost my energy. life in a northern town in the winter can be a bit depressing, with the short days, and bitter cold, and dead trees. it’s important to stay in good spirits, to not get dragged down with the weather. so again, i’m trying to encourage myself to be more active (let me be clear that this has NOTHING to do with wanting to lose weight!). 3 times a week, for 30 minutes. 20 minutes of outside walking every day. i know i feel better when i’m active, and i’ve been totally slacking lately. my body feels it too. so i’m going to try to commit to doing that and see how i feel!

there are so many ways that i hope to re-energize myself and my life with this new year. novelty. energy. activity. organization. de-clutter. and i hope that as i feel better in these ways, i’ll be happier as a whole.

and to spice up this rather boring, ineloquent post, here is a nice picture from my day:


anyone else out there looking for a “january jolt” to kick off their new year?

2 thoughts on “live more, blog more

  1. Glad 2 c u blogging again 🙂 my new blog is Check it out :). And heck yes 4 a January jolt!

a penny for your thoughts: